CraftyBlog WordPress Theme

Personal blog and Magazine WordPress Theme

  • Created : 24 November 2020
  • If you use free version you will miss maximum theme options/settings. Upgrade To Pro

Install WordPress

To get this theme you must have WordPress already installed. If you need help installing WordPress, follow the instructions in WordPress Codex. Below are some useful links on WordPress information:

Install theme

When purchasing CraftyBlog theme from theimran store, you will be able to download CraftyBlog files from your Theimran account. after download upload on your directory.

Install CraftyBlog theme via WordPress.

  1. Login to your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme and click Choose File Button.
  2. After slelct"" from your computer Click on "Install Now" button.
  3. Wait the theme being uploaded and installed.
  4. To activate the theme: Go to Appearance > Themes hover over the theme and and click Activate.

Install theme via FTP.

Follow the steps below to install theme via FTP.

  1. Log into your hosting space via an FTP software
  2. Unzip the file and ONLY use the extracted craftyblogpro theme folder
  3. Upload the extracted craftyblogpro theme folder into wp-content > themes folder
  4. To activate the theme: Go to Appearance > Themes hover over the theme and and click Activate.

Common Install Error: Are You Sure You Want To Do This?

The “Are You Sure You Want To Do This” message may occur, means that you are limited in upload file size. Consider install the theme via FTP if this happens, or contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase the limited size.

Install required plugins

Once you activated CraftyBlog theme than You will get a notice for installing required plugins.

  1. Click on "Begin installing plugins" to install required plugins.
  2. Select all required plugin, From the top dropdown menu select Install and click Apply.
  3. After Install all plugins sucessfully click Return to Required Plugins Installer.
  4. Select all required plugin, From the top dropdown menu select Activete and click Apply.
  5. image
Note : You can deactive one click demo import plugin after import demo data.

Import demo data

Import Demo Data – Now users can quickly and easily import our demo content with only one click to the button. This is the preferred method because it's the fastest and easiest way to get our demo content. It will import all our pages, posts, sliders etc.. If you wish to use our One Click Demo Content Importer, please see the guide below.

Note : Demo data is only for theme testing purpose. Do not install demo data on a production website.
  1. For import demo data go on Appearance > Import demo data.
  2. You will see demo data import screen.
  3. Click on import demo data and please wait for import all data. It may take 3 to 5 minute depends on your sarver speed. Please be patient don't click import demo data button twice.

Theme options

Using theme options, you can control every setting on the theme. Let’s start learning theme options. Go to Appearance > Customize

All Theme Options Section

  1. Site Identity : — Inside this section, you will see some input to control your website Logo, Title, Tagline, and Site Favicon.
  2. Colors : — Inside this section, You will see many color options to change your website colors. below we will describe this section in detail.
  3. CraftyBlog Pro Options: — Inside this panel, all custom theme options are available that have been made for the CraftyBlog pro theme. below we have described all the sections in detail.
  4. Header Image : — From this section, you can upload site header image and control header height.
  5. Background Image : — If you want to use any background image. you can upload that inside this section.
  6. Menus : — Create your website menu from this section.
  7. Widgets: — Control Website widget from this section.
  8. Home Page Settings : — Home page setting, by default your site home page will be a post page. but if you want to set a different home pages then you can control that from this section.
  9. Additional CSS : — Write additional CSS here.
Note : You will find all others theme options like (Banner options, Blog page, Single post, Archive page, search page, 404 page Footer options etc) in this options list. See them all for customize theme easily. ( You can override theme options from individual page / post. )

Post Formats

CraftyBlogPro supports the most used post formats, so you can show to your public a lot of quality content. Standard, Image, Video, Audio and Gallery

Here I will guide you to create a gallery post. but in this same way you can create others.


Custom Widget

This theme provide Three custom widget (More Up Comming). To add this widget navigate to "Appearance > Widgets."


Theme Updates

There are 2 methods to update WordPress themes to the newer version. These new updates are essential if you want to have a bug free website as we give new features and improvements to the theme over time. Some of these updates might be needed in order to make the theme compatible with WordPress newer versions. There is no risk of losing your settings and pages (If you don't edited theme core files). However if you had done modifications in parent theme files, then they will be lost.

Please note that before updating a theme, we recommend you to make a backup of your modified files. Also, we recommend to deactivate its current version and then upload the zip file with new theme version then activate and update the theme.

Using FTP

  1. Login in to your account and go to downloads (Dashboard > downloads)
  2. Download the theme into your computer
  3. Install an FTP program (Filezilla is free)
  4. Retrieve your FTP login information from your hosting admin panel and login into your hosting via FTP
  5. Unzip the item main file
  6. Locate the craftyblogpro-[versino-name].zip file and unzip it. Make sure your unzipping software does not create an extra directory with the same name nested into each other.
  7. Drag and drop theme main folder into your FTP program with the destination: “YOUR_HOSTING_ROOT/YOUR_SUBDIRECTORY/wp-content/themes/”
  8. FTP program will give a warning that there is an existing with the same directory name, choose replace all.And wait until all files are replaced

Update Through WordPress Admin Panel

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Themes Activate another theme to deactivate the CraftyBlog theme
  2. Delete the installed CraftyBlog theme.
  3. Unzip the file you just downloaded from ThemeForest and locate the WordPress Theme
  4. Still within the Themes section, on the header tab, click on “Install Themes” , then on the header second tab click “Upload” .
  5. Click “Browse…”and locate the new theme file
  6. The “Upgrade existing theme?” option choose “Yes” from the dropdown list.
  7. Click “Install Now”.
  8. Click “Activate”.

Support / Contact With Us

Please follow the steps below :
  1. Please go to

Update History

                    ----- 1.0.0 ( 24 November 2020 ) -----
                    initial release